
Monday 14 May 2012

Retro Gaming Collections - "Operation: Reclaim" The anguish of a Retro games collector - @androidj4m3s

Twitter is a wonderful thing. 

It has given us a really unique opportunity to meet and chat with like minded people who love retro gaming. One person in particular has been a great contact for us. He reads our random posts, he has favourited and retweeted them and also likes to reply to them. All in all this makes him a bloody good chap in our books. 

Finally we have done some (Not so) dodgy trades including a pair of headphones for a gamecube with him!! 

At this stage it seems only right that we highlight his retro gaming collection and the back story that makes it so interesting.

His name is James and his twitter name is @androidj4m3 Follow him, he is full of banter!

About six years ago my video game collection was sizeable. Eight consoles and an entire bookshelf of games.
However, due to combination of a psycho ex-gf, a garden bbq set and cook's matches, my prized collection (along with many other things) was reduced to dust.

So, approximately 4 months ago I started to commence 'Operation: Reclaim'.

With the aide of ebay, I have been re-building my collection.

The first thing on my list was a Game Boy Advance SP. 

With Tetris and Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. These were absolute essentials.

I found a GBA quite easily. £17.50 with a charger and carry case. Nice.

Tetris was also easy to find, £1.99 unboxed. 


Next I wanted a SNES. 

This was also relatively easy to find and after some haggling I got this tasty bundle for £37. 

Now, the N64 proved more tricky. So many over-priced systems out there. 

With the infamous 'wiggly' control stick problems. 

After some persistence however, I managed to find a boxed, complete console for £31.  

My next acquisition was a Dreamcast. 

This came in at the unbelievable price of £17.50 it included two controllers, 8 games, vmu, rumble pack.. 

A very good buy indeed.   

My most recent purchase came courtesy of our very own Mark, here at TGS.

Immaculate condition, with a free game!  

Now, I have of course been buying games as often as funds allow, and I have no intention of letting this collection out of my sight. 

I would like to say that the retro gaming community on twitter have been very influential and supportive. I honestly don't think I would have bothered starting to collect again had I not been in contact with this marvelous bunch of people. 

Also, ebay is a wonderful place. But you must haggle! And snipe! lol. Anyway, there is my tale.. such as it is.  

Now, go forth and game!  

Thanks for reading and big thanks to James for a little insight into his world of retro gaming!

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