
Monday 9 April 2012

Retro gaming round-up - April, Week 1.

So the first week in April is done, you've had more than your fill of Easter chocolate and are all feeling a shade guilty. We on the other hand have been hammering out everything from 8-bit horrors to 16-bit gems over this somewhat of a long & needed weekend!

Home Alone 2 - Sega Genesis / Mega Drive


This is our 2nd visit to the criminally poor world of Home Alone gaming and although in comparison to the self-harm-fest that is 'Home Alone' for the Nintendo Gameboy it may not seem as dreadful, it bleedin' well is.

Arrow Flash - Sega Genesis / Mega Drive

Ever wondered what a video game, Kim Wilde & The Supremes had in common? No? Us neither. But this game has it, it's the theme tune. It also has a space craft which can turn in to a divine Mecha. A side scrolling, shooting thing of beauty.

Super Turrican 2 - SNES

More side scrolling mayhem in Super Turrican 2 - one of the most collectable games for the SNES. And isn't she gorgeous?!

Code Name: Viper - NES

Trouserless soldier goes on mad gun rampage in the jungle, rescuing women and children along the way. Yep, that's the game all summed up!

Captain Skyhawk - NES

NES attempted 3D jet shooter set in a futuristic time and place. With a name like 'Captain Skyhawk' the future could well be the mid 1980's!

Pinball - NES

It's pinball. You know what pinball is. Watch the video. It features Mario's ex - she likes to be called Pauline. She's not as attractive as Princess Peach.

Gunstar Heroes - Sega Genesis / Mega Drive 

Slick as an oiled up weasel - that's how we'd describe Gunstar Heroes for the Sega 16-bit gem. Find out what is so amazing in our 9 minute, level 1 walkthrough review.

You can find all of the above and many more here: The Games Shed YouTube Page

Come join the fun on Twitter: @GamesShed

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